Special Announcement!

I have officially started my photography business...Heather Richey-Walker Photography. Check out my new website at www.hrwphoto.com

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

25/52 - One of my own beauties!

So....It has been far too long since either of my own beauties have graced this blog!
We are currently having ice storm 2011!
The kiddos have been home for two days and loving it!
We have enjoyed sleeping in, playing games, cooking, listening to music and the kids even braved the cold to do some sledding.
Well, not exactly sledding, more like ice skating on a sled!
I love how you can see the snow falling in some of these shots!
This first shot is by far my favorite!
It's what being 14 should be about....
being beautiful,
acting silly,
loving life!
How I love this girl!
Her sister tomorrow!