Special Announcement!

I have officially started my photography business...Heather Richey-Walker Photography. Check out my new website at www.hrwphoto.com

Saturday, February 26, 2011

29/52 - Look at the new bundle!

How about this little love bug?
Meet Mr. "C"
He is the son of dear friends of mine.
I have known his daddy since 6th grade...it's been how many years?
Let's not talk about it!
So happy to have captured this little one!
Does he look cozy or what?

His big sister wasn't feeling in the picture mood but I did sneak one with her in the corner!
Here she is all smiles in her "Big Sister" shirt!
These kiddos are just beautiful!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

28/52 - A Handsome Lot!

I had the privilege of photographing my sweet friend Lynn's handsome boys this past week.
She had never had her kiddos photographed in the winter so we headed out in the snow!
Here they are from oldest to youngest.

Her oldest is so incredibly helpful with his brothers! What a sweetie! I could use a couple of him at my house!
Next in line....are you kidding me with those eyelashes? We ladies would kill for those!
This little guy is super mellow and has a soft smile.
And last but not least, the baby of the group. He wasn't too sure about all these photos!
What a cutie!
The Mama bear with her cubs!
Aren't they a handsome family?
They look like a magazine ad!
Enjoyed every minute of this shoot!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

27/52 - Snow! Snow! Snow!

I found the only reason I like the snow....it's a great backdrop for my lovelies!
I must say these girls are looking like young ladies these days!
Time does go by so quickly.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

26/52 - Beauty #2, as promised!

Here she is....Miss Delaney!
Do you know what my favorite thing about these pictures is?
No make up, sparkling white teeth, a sunny smile and joy!
All the primping and flat irons couldn't make this girl more beautiful than she is in these shots!
This outer beauty is just a tiny sliver of the real beauty she has inside her heart!
She makes my heart burst with love for her every day!
Gotta love this sassy girl!

Nothing like a little syrup to make an actual "snow cone"!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

25/52 - One of my own beauties!

So....It has been far too long since either of my own beauties have graced this blog!
We are currently having ice storm 2011!
The kiddos have been home for two days and loving it!
We have enjoyed sleeping in, playing games, cooking, listening to music and the kids even braved the cold to do some sledding.
Well, not exactly sledding, more like ice skating on a sled!
I love how you can see the snow falling in some of these shots!
This first shot is by far my favorite!
It's what being 14 should be about....
being beautiful,
acting silly,
loving life!
How I love this girl!
Her sister tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

24/52 - Look who is 10 months old?!

Oh those baby blues!

Playing one of his favorite games....pat a cake!
My other little Tuesday buddy is 10 months old! Hard to believe!
How I enjoy having my little nephews all to myself one day a week!
This little guy is on the move and into exploring! Before long he will be walking!
Love him!