Special Announcement!

I have officially started my photography business...Heather Richey-Walker Photography. Check out my new website at www.hrwphoto.com

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

6/52 - The Land of Elvis and Bar-b-que!

Chloe introducing the Nealy's joint!
Inside what used to be the raquet ball court at Graceland - it now houses many gold records!
Les and the king
The ducks making their way to the indoor fountain at the Peabody!
Laney on Beale Street!

Week 6 comes to you from Memphis, TN!
Great city!
We stayed at the Peabody, hence the duck pictures! What a funny tradition!
It was a whirlwind trip complete with all the must sees in that bluesy little town...Graceland, Beale Street, Interstate Bar-B-Que, a carriage ride around the city and some shopping!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Week 5/52 A teeny, tiny model!

It's been a while since I've taken the girls to the zoo.
The Indy Zoo did not disappoint!
While seeing amazing animals, the dolphin and elephant shows and the new cheetah exhibit....it was no animal that got us laughing.
While standing under a tiny umbrella looking at the zebras there was a small boy to our left. I would say he was around 6 years old.
He looked right at the zebras and yelled, yes yelled,
"Bar-b-que sauce, who likes bar-b-que sauce?"
To which his dad replied,
"Come on, let's go"
I wanted to yell,
"I do!" but held my tongue.
I gave the models a break and took some cool shots of the butterflies in White River Garden.
Here is my favorite!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

4/52 - Fun on the Tracks!

I got a little behind with posting so to catch up...here is the post for week four!
I took the girls to scope out a new photo spot and we came upon these railroad tracks!
Thanks to my sweet models!

3/52 - The Joys of Summer

Impromptu sleepovers, pool parties, kids giggling, splashing from tiny little hands and feet, popsicles on a hot day, perhaps a cocktail or two for mom and dad, seeing your favorite movie at the midnight showing....
could summer be any better?
Week three comes to you in series form.
I think you may see quite a few series. I'm having a hard time choosing!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Week 2/52 - Rain or Shine, bring on the beach!

So, never let it be said a little rain could deter my family from a day at the beach!
Is there anything better than an afternoon with your cousins?
Looking for shells, digging in the sand, jumping the waves and generally acting like goof balls...
we lived it up!