Special Announcement!

I have officially started my photography business...Heather Richey-Walker Photography. Check out my new website at www.hrwphoto.com

Monday, April 18, 2011

34/52 - Off to Prom!

Had the pleasure of photographing one of my best friends daughter's first trip to prom!
Amazing dress, hair, earrings...
the shoes were killer with perfectly matched toe nail polish!
The dress even had pockets! Can you stand it?
Obviously a woman designed it!
Prom was masquerade themed...her mask was perfect too!
While all the details were to utmost perfection....
the girl inside the dress was the best part of all!
This girl is beautiful inside and out!
Meet Lane.

Friday, April 15, 2011

33/52 - Rockin' the Camera!

Meet Maggie.
She was rockin' my camera!
Beautiful girl with stunning blue eyes!
Look at that face....could my job be any easier?

Monday, April 11, 2011

32/52 - A whole family of lookers!

Here is the rest of the beautiful bunch (minus Dad who was at work :))!
Check out big sister Reece!
Isn't she adorable? She is so sweet with her little brother!
One of my favorite moments of the shoot was when they were both enjoying a sucker.
Reece leaned over and tapped her sucker to her brothers and said "Cheers"!
Enjoy Mom and her sweeties!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

31/52 - Sharp Dressed Man!

Look out ladies,
if the baby blues weren't enough...look at the wardrobe!
Hudson is quite the handsome little dude!
I hung out with him and the two ladies in his life a few days ago!
More photos with Mommy and beautiful big sister shortly!
Enjoy this looker!